About us





        Dear brothers and sisters, my name is Patrick Neman. I am a member of Saint Sebastian‘s Parish in Akron Ohio.

       Since 2023 I have been bearing SILENT WITNESS to the murder of unborn children in my city. I have a banner with the Holy Face of our Lord as found on the Shroud of Turin. It is a simple banner, 7 feet high, with gold honor chords on the top, and my website thebeautyoftheking.com underneath.

       What I do is stand beneath the billboard of the Northeast Ohio Abortion Center, and hold my banner so that it is visible to people passing by. And then I simply bow my head in solemn reverence for the little ones who have been killed here.

       Brothers and sisters, we may have lost the battle for unborn children in the courts and perhaps even in the hearts of our fellow citizens, but we can still bear SILENT WITNESS in honor of these children, calling our country to repentance, and asking the Lord’s forgiveness for this sin that is so great.

      What I am asking you to do is prayerfully consider joining me in this work. Together we can become a host of SILENT WITNESSES in our country.


God bless you. Amen.